One chance

Being smart doesn’t mean there is no chance to fool me,
U actually get one chance to use it to fool me.

If u succeeded in fooling me in the second time…. well that means you have awaken my stupid side

Some folks call it love.

Don’t live a life of mimicry

Don’t make your thoughts on someone else’s opinions. Don’t base your passions from quotations. Don’t be like most other people. Don’t live a life of mimicry. Be you. Create your own thoughts. Your own passions. Your own path. Your own Life.



Thought about life..

What is the point of analyzing a situation, tearing it apart and trying to figure what every aspect and every nuance means until it drives you carzy, while there is really a very simple solution…you could just walk away, let it go, and move on to the next chapter of your life.