Hello my blog.. 2021

Wow I didn’t write anything in 2020, well 2020 had tested us all in a very different way. We all struggled being distant from others, no shaking hands no hugging, no family gathering.. well the family gathering part I didn’t really mind a lot.

It has changed me.. I overcame one of my weaknesses,, being fooled. I trusted my intention and it led me to winning.

I met new friends who I am proud to call them friends. I tried not to hate based on one quality that person has but love them for other qualities they have and get along with them.

I learned that I need to step up my game if I want to reach that star instead of whining of the current situation

This year I will love more, trust the good souls, create awesome memories, study and work hard and get steps closer to my shining star ⭐️.

4:00 Am; the spiritual hour

I woke suddenly at 4:00 am. They say it is a spiritual hour. I have been through hard weeks, I tried to give myself time to love myself, stop blaming and punching myself for the way I handled the situations. I did it with good intentions; instead of feeling sorry for myself, I decided to learn from my flows and do better in future. I felt the aurg to shoot that person on the eye, I tried to puch this hatred feelings away, and feel sorry for the sickness they have, the sick soul that it clearly ate them inside-out. People who for no reason, since day one, they plan try to ruin others’ happiness.

My soul had already been through hard time; the lies, the manipulation, the confusion, the feeling of lost and loneliness. My soul deserves better, I deserve better.

The other night, I tapped on myself and told her that I did good, “stop blaming the way you have been wired up, in the end, you are human, learn who you should and shouldn’t trust. You did good when you waited to evaluate what you heard before taking actions, bit time wasn’t on your side, and it is okay.”

I pampered myself with an hour of relaxing massage, I tried to get rid of all negative feelings that have been draining me and holding me back.

When I woke up at 4:00 am, I felt peace and warmth, I felt like my spiritual-self is thanking me for trying to treat myself good. For being gentle with myself.

My Life Book

Since the year I was born – 2007: The happy kid in a pink bubble Chapter

In 2008: The Teen in University Chapter

In 2009: The Trying too hard Chapter

In 2010: The Native Chapter

In2011: The Reckless Chapter

In 2012: The Depression Phase Chapter

In 2013: The I started to care less about others think of me chapter

In 2014: The healthy lifestyle, positive mindset chapter

In 2015: The lone wolf chapter 🐺

In 2016: The letting go and Moving forward chapter

In 2017: The putting myself first chapter 💗

In 2018: ..

Natural Beauty _My Grandma

I never met my grandparents; they all were gone before I were born, except one, my grandma; who died when I was 13 years old.

Definitely one of my role models! I always remember her, and how she was the most beautiful woman I ever saw, that’s why I will always be against fillers and botox. Because natural beauty is beyond human-made!

May her soul rest in peace.

The law of the garbage truck

Recently I noticed people are too tense, maybe because its the beginning of summer? They get upset and create tension out of thin air! It reminded me of the law of the garbage truck;

“Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they look for a place to dump it. And if you let them, they’ll dump it on you. So when someone wants to dump on you, don’t take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Believe me. You’ll be happier.”

_David J. Pollay

The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day. Life’s too short to wake up in the morning with regrets or feeling bad. It’s not your responsibility to make people feel good about themselves.

Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don’t.

As very rightly said, “Life is 10% what you make and 90% how you take!”

How good would it feel to let go?

How good would it feel to let go of all you’ve been through? “Dont let the burdens of your past weigh you down. Let go of all the animosity, bitterness, & resentment. Stop beating yourself up over what you should’ve, could’ve, or would’ve done. The past has already happened, it’s over, let it go.”

Some of the major things happened in 2017:

graduated from university, on January

started my first job, on February

let go of people, who I thought I wont he able to leave them. It was toxic, unhealthy, I had to listen to the logical part of me and leaving them. Good memories will remain in the unforgettable memory box. However, making this decision took me 6 months to do it. I was %110 sure it was the right call when I did it.

stepped out of the comfort zone when I realized it’s about time to turn the page… I left work on December, I felt like it was holding me back from where I should be, from the right place, the right job for my potentials. So I decided to leave.

My goal is to try to have a wing-able spirit and spread them high in 2018.

Making a big life change is pretty scary.

But, know what’s even scarier?

Regret. ~Unknown

كسرة نفس

فتاه أُعجبت ب فتى بعد ما بادر اهتمامه في البدايه… ومافي أحلى من البدايات وسحرها

فتاه أُعجبت ب فتى، تننظر منه يوريها اهتمامه الأولي

فتاه أُعجبت ب فتى .. أنانيتها أختفت وبدأ قلبها يشوف كل شي يجي منه جميل.. 

فتاه أُعجبت ب فتى.. وغامرت بقلبها ومشاعرها له، وراهنت عقلها بأنه يبادلها نفس الاهتمام،

فتاه أُعجبت ب فتى، وحطت له بدل العذر، أعذار وأسباب

فتاه أُعجبت ب فتى،، قرر أن يتركها

فتاه أُعجبت ب فتى،.. كانت تظن انه سيبقى كما هو كان في بداياته